Sós, Eszter

ChatGPT and the world of education: Visualization of publications

Category: Sós, Eszter

ChatGPT, higher education, cognitive bias, VosViewer

In order to identify the use of ChatGPT in higher education, it is first necessary to describe the areas in which it can be used as a student in higher education. Then I briefly describe how ChatGPT works and its applications in education. This is necessary because, to be able to check the work of students as a lecturer, it is necessary to know the areas in which it can be used. After that, I introduce the cognitive biases in human-machine systems, namely the dangers of decisions made while using ChatGPT.

To give an adequate representation of the extent of interest in the use of ChatGPT in education, I present the number of publications in ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Web Of Science databases for the keywords ChatGPT and education, which I also narrow down to the keyword higher education. Finally, I represent the difference between the answers given by ChatGPT and a visualization made with VosViewer in terms of research work.


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