ChatGPT and the world of education: Visualization of publications

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Author: Sós, Eszter

Abstract: The emergence of ChatGPT has brought significant challenges in the field of education. The use of ChatGPT for assignments among students spread in no time, which was something that educators were not prepared for. For this reason, the focus has been on learning about the use of ChatGPT from the student side, since in order to detect its use, it is necessary to be aware of the areas and methods of its use and to know the dangers of its use. The large number of studies on this topic suggests that there is interest among educators in the use of ChatGPT in education. The number of publications can be used to show the pace at which the number of papers on ChatGPT and education is growing in the academic world. Furthermore, it would point out that while the use of ChatGPT can be beneficial in many areas, there are some areas where human thinking is essential.

Keywords: ChatGPT, higher education, cognitive bias, VosViewer

Cite as: Sós, E. (2024). ChatGPT and the world of education: Visualization of publications, Studia Juridica et Politica Jaurinensia, 11(1), 61–70.

Doi: 10.71100/STUDIA.2024.1.6


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