Media Law

The history of the Hungarian media regulation and its political narratives during the political...

Category: Media Law

Political changes, media system, Hungarian electronic media, public service, media law

I have chosen the systemic changes, which took place within the system of the Hungarian electronic media as the topic of my doctoral dissertation. This change was not only a significant point of controversy of the first two parliamentary cycles, but straight after the first elections it accurately reflected the basic lines of division manifest in the Hungarian political space. Studying the basic differences between the bills submitted during the Antall government and the Horn government and how much the ideological divide between the prevailing governing parties became apparent are not devoid of interest either.

It is important to keep track of how the positions of the different parties changed in relation to the Media Act, depending on whether they were on the government or the opposition side of the negotiating table, also how the standpoints of the smaller opposition parties changed, as well as that of SZDSZ, which went through a significant political turnaround, since the role and hardly overrated influence of the free democratic politicians on the process of the elaboration of the law and shaping the political arguments are hardly debatable. The thesis pays special attention to the concept of public service, which was finally successfully created only by Act I of 1996, although the makers of earlier bills had also been concerned about the issue.


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