Editorial Standards


It is recommended to use an 11-point Arial (a sans serif font) or a 12-point Times New Roman (a serif font) due to their readability, accessibility, and ability to support special characters. Traditionally, sans serif fonts have been favoured for digital content, while serif fonts are more common in print. However, modern screen resolutions generally support both font types effectively.

Make sure to use a consistent font throughout your document, except in tables, figures, and footnotes, where 9-point Arial or 10-point Times New Roman is suggested.


Studia includes five levels of headings. The number of headings you should use in a paper depends on its length and complexity. Only apply as many levels as necessary to distinguish different sections in your document. Below is a guide for formatting each level.

  • Level 1: Paper Title (Centered, Bold)
  • Level 2: 1. Subsection (Flush Left, Bold)
  • Level 3:1.1. Subsection (Flush Left, Bold Italic)
  • Level 4: 1.1.1. Subseciton (Indented, Bold)
  • Level 5: Subsection (Indented, Bold Italic)

Title page

The title page of your paper should include the following elements: the paper title, author names, author affiliations, abstract, keywords, and page number.

  • Paper Title: Place the title and any subtitle on separate lines if preferred. While there's no strict limit on length, titles should remain concise and include key terms.
  • Author Names: For two authors, use "&" between names. For three or more authors, use commas between names and add "&" before the final author's name.
  • Author Affiliations: List both the department and the university, or other institution, separated by a comma.
  • Abstract: Provide a brief yet thorough summary of the paper’s content, limited to 250 words. The abstract helps readers determine if they should read the full paper.
  • Keywords: Include 3-5 relevant keywords.
  • Page Number: Use the automatic page-numbering feature in your word processor to insert page numbers.

Tables and Figures

When setting up a table, the table number (e.g., Table 1) and title should be placed above the table. Tables may have different headings based on the data they display. The table body consists of all rows and columns, including the heading row. Add notes below the table to explain any information that isn't clear from the title or body alone.

For figures, the figure number (e.g., Figure 1) and title also go above the figure. The image portion refers to the graph, chart, photo, drawing, or other visual representation. As with tables, provide notes below the figure to clarify any content not obvious from the title or image. 

References and in-text citations

In Studia, APA 7th edition referencing is used with the author–date citation system for in-text citations. Each source in the paper requires both an in-text citation and a corresponding reference list entry.

In-Text Citation Formats

One author: (Smuk, 2024)

Two authors: (Csák & Czebe, 2023)

Three or more authors: (Kelemen et al., 2023)


When citing multiple works parenthetically, list them alphabetically and separate with semicolons: (Egresi, 2024; Szigeti, 2024; Takács, 2023)


If highlighting a key work, place it first in parentheses, followed by a semicolon and "see also" before other citations, which are also alphabetically listed: (Bartkó, 2024; see also Bencze, 2019; Payrich, 2023)


For multiple works by the same author in the same year, add a letter after the year (e.g., 2021a, 2021b), with the order determined by their appearance in the reference list. When citing several works by the same author, list them in chronological order: (Bartkó, 2024a, 2024b, 2023)

Reference List Entries


Each reference in the list must include the author, date, title, and source. If the work has a DOI, include it in the reference. The in-text citation for a work should directly correspond to its entry in the reference list. The most common categories and examples are presented here. Explore more reference examples at: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples 


Journal Article References


Reference list entries:

Egresi, K. (2024). A civilizációk összecsapása és az új világrend alakulása: A kulturális identitások politikai jelentősége. Jog-Állam-Politika, 16(2), 119–140. https://doi.org/10.58528/JAP.2024.16-2.119

Csák, Z. & Czebe, A. (2023). A perbeli igazság térnyerése a büntetőeljárásban. Magyar Jog, 70(4), 218-222. https://szakcikkadatbazis.hu/doc/9879325

Mazúch, M., Bučko, B., Kelemen R. & Farkas, Á. (2024). Managing Cybersecurity at National Level. International Journal of Information Technologies, Engineering and Management Science, 8(1), 1-5. https://scienfist.org/2024/8_1_1.pdf


In-text citations:

(Egresi, 2024)

(Csák & Czebe, 2023)

(Mazúch et al., 2024)

Book/Ebook References


Reference list entries:

Smuk, P. (2024). Demokratikus legitimáció: Alkotmánytani értekezések a cserépszavazástól a mesterséges intelligenciáig. Universitas-Győr Nonprofit Kft.

Glavanits, J. & Wellmann, B. B. (2020). Az alternatív vitarendezés helye a jogrendszerben. Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem. https://real.mtak.hu/118074/1/TANKONYV_Azalternativvitarendezeshelyeajogrendszerben-v1.pdf

Erdős, C., Lápossy, A., Pozsár-Szentmiklósy, Z. & Smuk, P. (Eds.). (2022). Kukorelli-kommentár. Gondolat Kiadó.


In-text citations:

(Smuk, 2024)

(Glavanist & Wellmann, 2020)

(Erdős et al., 2022)


Chapter in an Edited Book/Ebook References


Reference list entries:

G. Karácsony, G. (2016). Public Financing of Higher Education: Reasons, Means and Trends. In Smuk, P. (Ed.), Costs of Democracy (pp. 117-133). Gondolat Kiadó. https://dfk-online.sze.hu/images/egyedi/Smuk_Costs_of_Democracy%20.pdf

Kukorelli, I. & Szoboszlai-Kiss, K. (2023). Bibó István szabadság megvallásának alaptételeiről: A szabadságszerető ember tízparancsolatának genezistörténete, értelmezése és morálfilozófiai elemzése. In Pesti, S. & Szoboszlai-Kiss, K. (Eds.), Homo Politicus. Ünnepi tanulmányok a 80 éves Bihari Mihály tiszteletére (pp. 67-97). ELTE Eötvös Kiadó.

Horváthy, B., Knapp, L. & Papp, N. (2023). New Regionalism and EU Border Regions: Removing Legal and Administrative Obstacles. In Polgár, I. & Brie, M. (Eds.), The legitimacy of new regionalism in the European integration process (pp. 367-383). Editura Universității din Oradea. https://analerise.igri.ro/resurse/suplimente/Polgar-Brie-The-legitimacy-of-new-regionalism-in-the-european-integration-process.pdf


In-text citations:

(G. Karácsony, 2016)

(Kukorelli & Szoboszlai-Kiss, 2023)

(Horváthy et al., 2023)

Conference Proceeding References


Reference list entries:

Payrich, A. (2019). Szemelvények a büntetés-végrehajtási jog hazai történetéből. In Bartkó, R. (Ed.), Doktori Műhelytanulmányok 2023 – Doctoral Working Papers 2023 (pp. 195-203). Universitas-Győr Nonprofit Kft. https://doktiskjog.sze.hu/images/Tp%203+1%20K%C3%B6tetek%20sz%C3%B6vege/14_Doktori_MT_2023_07_25.-DMT_2023++_.pdf

Lapsánszky, A. & Király, P. B. (2021). Hungarian Administrative System for Consumer Protection in Communications, Particularly Legal Protection Offered by Net Neutrality. In IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (Ed.), 12th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom 2021): Proceedings (pp. 859-864.). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Kelemen, R., Farkas, Á. & Németh, R. (2023). Sustainability of Election Security From a Multidisciplinary Approach. In Varbanov, P. S., Wang, B. & Kapustenko, P. (Eds.), Széchenyi István University Proceedings of Sustainable Development Research (pp. 31-38). Universitas-Győr Nonprofit Kft. https://doi.org/10.62897/COS2023.1-1.31


In-text citations:

(Payrich, 2019)

(Lapsánszky & Király, 2021)

(Kelemen et al., 2023)

Conference Presentation References


Reference list entries:

Ferencz, J. (2024, July 8-10.). Risks of AI-supported Decision Making in the Labour Market and Regulatory Challenges [Conference presentation]. The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability and Artificial Intelligence, Madrid, Spain.

Szegedi, A. (2022. April 8.). Mennyiben szükséges a társasági jogot időről időre megújítani? [Conference presentation]. Megújulás a társasági jogban, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Glavanits, J. & G. Karácsony, G. (2022. June 10.). The possibilities of Artificial Intelligence supported finding of applicable law in judicial decision making [Conference presentation]. The Challenges of Artificial Intelligence for Law in Europe: Values, Rights and Regulation in the European Legal Space, Budapest, Hungary.


In-text citations:

(Ferencz, 2024)

(Szegedi, 2022)

(Glavanits & G. Karácsony, 2022)

Published Dissertation or Thesis References

Reference list entries:

Knapp, L. (2019). Az Európai Unió jogi személyisége [Doctoral dissertation]. Széchenyi István University. https://doktiskjog.sze.hu/downloadmanager/details/id/35643/m/3620

Pődör, L. (2021). A “könnyű eset-nehéz eset” természete a bírói döntéshozatalban: Jogelméleti megközelítés [Doctoral dissertation]. Széchenyi István University. https://doktiskjog.sze.hu/downloadmanager/details/id/38839/m/3620

Trenyisán, M. (2023). A munkáltatói kárfelelősség elmélete és gyakorlata [Doctoral dissertation]. Széchenyi István University. https://doktiskjog.sze.hu/downloadmanager/details/id/43727/m/3620


In-text citations:

(Knapp, 2019)

(Pődör, 2021)

(Trenyisán, 2023)



Reference list entries include the title and abbreviation of the legislation:

European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

Fundamental Law of Hungary (25 April 2011) (Alaptörvény).

Act C of 2012 on the Criminal Code (Btk.).

Decree No. 16/1975 (II. 5.) KPM-BM on Traffic Regulations (KRESZ).


In-text citations include the abbreviation and section of the legislation:

(ECHR, art. 6, para. 3, p. b)

(Alaptörvény, art. III, para. 1)

(Btk., § 235, para. 2, p. a)

(KRESZ, § 3, para. 1, p. c)


Cases and Court Decisions


Reference list entries include the name of the court, title of the case (if available), the date of decision (if available), and case number:

CJEU. Stefano Melloni v. Ministerio Fiscal. Judgement of February 26, 2013. No. C-399/11.

ECtHR. László Magyar v. Hungary. Judgment of May 20, 2014. No. 73593/10.

Constitutional Court of Hungary. Decision of November 15, 2021. 31/2021. (XII. 1.) AB.

Curia of Hungary. Judgement of March 20, 2024. Bfv.III.585/2023/12.


In-text citations include the number/title, year and section of the case:

(Stefano Melloni v. Ministerio Fiscal, 2013, para. 49)

(László Magyar v. Hungary, 2014, para. 58)

[31/2021. (XII. 1.) AB, 2021, para. 96]

(Bfv.III.585/2023/12., 2024, para. 64)

Report by a Public Body or a Legal Entity References


Reference list entries:

Office of the Prosecutor General (2023). Criminality and Criminal Justice. Prosecution Service of Hungary. https://ugyeszseg.hu/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/criminality-and-criminal-justice-2013-2022.pdf

Europol (2023). European Union Terrorism Situation and Trend Report 2023. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. https://www.europol.europa.eu/cms/sites/default/files/documents/European%20Union%20Terrorism%20Situation%20and%20Trend%20report%202023.pdf

ENFSI (2023). Annual Report 2022. ENFSI Secretariat, Wiesbaden, Germany. https://enfsi.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/ENFSI_Annual_Report_2022.pdf


In-text citations:

(Office of the Prosecutor General, 2023)

(EUROPOL, 2023)

(ENFSI, 2023)

Newspaper Article References


Reference list entries:

Stumpf, I. (2020, October 19.). Az amerikai elnökválasztás és a közvéleménykutatások: a rejtőzködő szavazók nyerhetik meg Trumpnak a választást?. Ludovika blogtér. https://www.ludovika.hu/blogok/frontierblog/2020/10/19/az-amerikai-elnokvalasztas-es-a-kozvelemenykutatasok-a-rejtozkodo-szavazok-nyerhetik-meg-trumpnak-a-valasztast/

Kovács-Szépvölgyi, E. (2024, July 15.). A Btk. “örökérvényű” rendelkezése sem sérthetetlen?. JOG.történet. https://mtajogtortenet.elte.hu/dstore/document/10672/Kovacs-Szepvolgyi-Eniko-orokervenyu-rendelkezes.pdf

Friedery, R. & Kecskés, G. (2024, April 22.). A Covid-19 és jogesetek - néhány ügy az EUB és az EJEB előtt. jtiblog. https://jog.tk.hu/blog/2024/04/a-covid-19-eub-es-az-ejeb-elott


In-text citations:

(Stumpf, 2020)

(Kovács-Szépvölgyi, 2024)

(Friedery & Kecskés, 2024)


Short Quotations

When quoting fewer than 40 words, enclose the quote in quotation marks and integrate it into your text. No special formatting is required beyond this. For all direct quotations, include a complete citation in the same sentence, which must include the author, year, and the page number (or other location information, e.g., paragraph number):

The institutional framework for macro-prudential policy has been shaped by several factors, but it is essential to recognize that “the effective performance of macro-prudential policy [...] cannot be judged by examining the formal aspects of the policy” (Kálmán & Janovec, 2024, p. 18.).

Block Quotations

For quotations of 40 words or more, omit the quotation marks and begin the quote on a new line, indented from the left margin. There are two ways to cite:


A. Cite the source in parentheses after the quotation’s final punctuation:

The distinction between trademarks and personality rights becomes clear when examining the different legal grounds for termination:

There is a considerable difference between trademarks and personality rights in respect of termination, determined by their legal nature. Trademark protection may cease to exist on more legal grounds. The most common case of termination is the lack of renewal, as described above; the trademark owner shall periodically file an application for renewal and pay the fee in order to maintain protection. Chapter VI. of EUTMR provides provisions for surrender, revocation and invalidity as different reasons for termination. As a trademark is granted by an application, it may be surrendered by the request of owner, either in respect of some or all of the goods or services. (Keserű, 2024, p. 97)


B. Mention the author and year in the narrative before the quotation, then place only the page number in parentheses after the final punctuation:

Bartkó (2024) discussed the trends in criminal proceedings related to the obstruction of border barrier construction and the broader impact on migration routes:

In 2015 the number of the registered unlawful crossings of border barrier was 914, in 2016 2843, and in 2017 - due to the changings in connection with the migration routes – was already only 22. The same tendency can be seen with regard to the crime damaging of border barrier as well. Namely, in 2015 the number of this criminal cases was 22, in 2016 1543, and in 2017 “only” 863. However, the number of cases is not the same as the number of criminal procedures conducted due to the mentioned crimes. An interesting data that in 2017 the authorities have already taken action against only 20 defendants in only 10 criminal procedures. These data show that the political decision on building the border barrier made by the Hungarian Government in 2015 was well-founded because it resulted on the one hand the relief of the migratory pressure and the cease of the chaotic situations made by the migratory flow in Hungary in 2015, and the other hand the changing of the Western-Balkanian migratory route. (p. 39)